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  • David Wilcock (NewAge-Alien-Antisemitic agenda disinfo agent? interview with him)
    • books, video's
    • He claims the Rothschild's 'Illuminati' clique financed and orchestrated the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, without ever mentioning the Vatican-Jesuit-Masonic network crime facts. This is a big historical error, or more likely part of his disinfo agenda!
    • ProjectCamelot.org
      • See also: Camelot: "the castle and court associated with the legendary King Arthur". Note that the present view of this legend is mostly a post-Roman Britain corruption/hijacking of a part of ancient Celtic mythology. Is "Project Camelot" a Romanized spin on ancient Astrotheology?
      • In contrast to Michael Tsarion, he does sometimes discusses the Plasma cosmos and Entheogens (albeit very rarely). However he does not seem to fully acknowledge nor describe the historical facts of "Alien disinfo agenda". The "Alien disinfo agenda" secondary function (after its primary disinformation function) is as a cover for the advanced energy research. Neither will he acknowledge that last fact.
      • See also: [1]