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Mind states
(states of awareness/trance)
Trance observations
- "ALAN: What is trance in scientific terms? Dio: A trance is a special type of dissociated state. It is the usual way the mind does separate things at the same time, like driving a car and listening to the radio, for example. With deep trance there is more focus, more intensity. The separation into what appears to be another reality can be intensified. A trance is always created by limiting attention to a small area or range or circle (red: or a release/relaxation of the normal focus!). Usually when you do that, your thoughts repeat and then you get bored and space out. So trance is created by a looping or repetition of thoughts in a limited way. ALAN: That sounds as if trance is something quite ordinary? Dio: Trances are actually quite common and there is a range of intensity of trance from reading a book, daydreaming, watching television, to those intense deep rare mystical states of a channeler, a yogi, a magician or a witch. Drum beats, chanting, marching, making love, these always create trances. There are more complicated trances too, but the loop will always be found at the source of every trance, including meditation, hypnosis, addictions, certain kinds of schizophrenia and visionary or mystical states of consciousness." ... "Magic is also a technology and the basis of magic is trance. Trance is the result of repetition and ritual work. Knowing how to recognize and to work with trance is the difference between a magician and the entranced." ... "ALAN: What does it mean for a person to be in trance? Dio: One of the effects of trance is that the limiting of attention to a small focused area causes a disabling of some critical mental functions such as judgement, will power, awareness of the body, continuity of time, memory, etc. At the same time the ability to creatively fantasize or visualize can be enhanced. In deep trance a person can create vivid visualizations. When you learn how to trance skillfully and well, the trance state can free creative capacities and powerful trance forces." [1] (note the trance.edu domain!)
- Musical trance and entrancing:
- "Music directly represents the passions or states of the soul - gentleness, anger, courage, temperance. If one listens to the wrong kind of music he will become the wrong kind of person." - Aristotle
- "I believe that classical composers of the Western Musical tradition were elite Sound-Magicians. The most advanced technology of our times is used by the military to create weapons and war machines - music is not excluded. Composers like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Scriabin, and Schoenberg are studied by scholars at the university level. The mechanics of their music are charted and described through formulas. This was my experience in studying music theory at the university level. We learned how to analyze chords, common progressions, and specifically were made to replicate musical patterns in the style of J.S. Bach. However, the geometric principles were never explained in the books or by the professors. This seems to be one of the better kept secrets of the Music theory field. To summarize, the effect of certain melodies on the mind, body, and spirit is known and used by those who seek to manipulate the consciousness of the listeners. The similarity between the Beatles and Army melodies were immediately apparent - There is something in the contour (shape) of the melody which hooks the mind more effectively than others. What is it? Can it be understood?" [2]
- See also: Mystic chord (video)
Trance spectrum
- See also:
- Level of consciousness
- Altered state of consciousness
- Todo: multi-track trancing (see also: automaticity, highway hypnosis)
Trance states (bands, channels, tunings, ...) from a Human perspective.
- "It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have speculated that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. Other more conservative investigators calculate that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the human scalp would record something like five millionths to 50 millionths of a volt. If you had enough scalps hooked up you might be able to light a flashlight bulb." ... "Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times. In other words, while somebody is an aroused state and exhibiting a beta brainwave pattern, there also exists in that person's brain a component of alpha, theta and delta, even though these may be present only at the trace level. It has been my personal experience that knowledge of brainwave states enhances a person's ability to make use of the specialized characteristics of those states: these include being mentally productive across a wide range of activities, such as being intensely focused, relaxed, creative and in restful sleep. " [3]
- Todo: Body/brain wave modes (frequency/intensity/phase/rythm/duration patterns):
Epsilon state
- "(~0.5 Hz) Extraordinary state of consciousness associated with high levels of inspirational states such as ecstatic states of consciousness, spiritual insights, Yogic states of suspended animation where no heart beat, respiration or pulse can be detected." [4]
- "The states of consciousness that appear to be associated with HyperGamma brainwave activity (at 100 Hz) and Lambda brainwave activity (at 200 Hz) seem to be described in exactly the same terms as we have been describing our discovery of Epsilon (below 0.5 Hz) over the years. It has seemed extraordinary that different groups of EEG researchers, independent of one another, should find the same states of consciousness associated with such divergent brainwave activity - below 0.5 Hz Delta to above 100 Hz HyperGamma to 200 Hz Lambda. There seems to be a circular link between these two extremes of brainwave activity and the states of consciousness which they represent. They appear to be associated with the type of extraordinary states of consciousness we find in the highest states of meditation, deepest levels of insight, personal original creative problem solving and high degrees of Self-awareness. We have surmised that these extremely slow Epsilon brainwave patterns might have extremely fast HyperGamma/Lambda brainwave patterns modulating within them - just as the Hyper-Gamma/Lambda brainwave patterns are "riding" on a super slow Epsilon modulation." - from "Epsilon, Gamma, HyperGamma, Lambda Brainwave Activity and Ecstatic States of Consciousness"
- Coma (a severe/dangerous state of unconsciousness) (see also: Consciousness: Epsilon state)
- Near death experience (NDE)
- Note: these are not necessarily dangerous/life-threatening experiences. They are all extremely profound experiences of consciousness in alternate realities.
- To research: Kenneth Ring's research (video)
Delta state
- "Deep restorative sleep; deep physical relaxation, being in the “void” in timeless states, ecstatic states of consciousness; profound meditative states; physical body coma; awareness is within the Universal Mind; more challenging to hold memories of experiences in this state; the Super-Conscious mind is accessed in the state." [5]
- Delta: Deep sleep 1-4 Hz.
- "A delta wave is a high amplitude brain wave with a frequency of 1–4 Hertz." ... "Delta wave activity occurs most frequently during stage 4 slow-wave sleep (SWS), accounting for 50% or more of the EEG record during this stage." [6]
- See also:
Theta state
- Theta: Light sleep or drowsiness 4-7 Hz.
- "Because of a historical accident, the term "theta rhythm" is used to refer to two different phenomena, "hippocampal theta" and "human cortical theta". Both of these are oscillatory EEG patterns, but they may have little in common beyond the name "theta"." ... "In human EEG studies, the term theta refers to frequency components in the 4–7 Hz range, regardless of their source. Cortical theta is observed frequently in young children. In older children and adults, it tends to appear during drowsy, meditative, or sleeping states, but not during the deepest stages of sleep. Several types of brain pathology can give rise to abnormally strong or persistent cortical theta waves." ... "Theta-frequency EEG activity is also manifested during some short term memory tasks. Studies suggest that they reflect the "on-line" state of the hippocampus; one of readiness to process incoming signals. Conversely, theta oscillations have been correlated to various voluntary behaviors (exploration, spatial navigation, etc.) and alert states (piloerection, etc.) in rats, suggesting that it may reflect the integration of sensory information with motor output (for review, see Bland & Oddie, 2001). A large body of evidence indicates that theta rhythm is likely involved in spatial learning and navigation. Theta rhythms are very strong in rodent hippocampi and entorhinal cortex during learning and memory retrieval, and are believed to be vital to the induction of long-term potentiation, a potential cellular mechanism of learning and memory." [7]
- Lucid dreaming (conscious dreaming)
- It can also be called "Theta-brainwave meditation"
- "Its a state bordering on normal sleep, but with waking awareness. It can be experienced by keeping the 'kernel' of awareness active, while at the same time letting the rest of the body fall asleep. Its a subtle body-awareness balancing act. How does Theta meditation compare to the use of entheogens? Having experienced both, I would say they are really complementary, perhaps even 'opposites' of each other. Theta meditation takes you completely into the imaginary realm ("dream world"), while the entheogenic experience primarily shows the manifested realm to its fullest intent. Both realms are within the field of consciousness, but in different energy-cycle ranges." - Walden
- See also:
- scribd.com: "Theta meditation" search
- "Lucid Dreaming FAQ"
- BethColeman.net
- "Theta waves have also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows us to connect with our creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences. Through theta wave meditation, we can open our Third Eye and access the delta waves that unite us with Universal Energy and Cosmic Consciousness." [8]
- "Going deeper into relaxation, you enter the elusive and mysterious Theta state where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. Theta is the brain state where magic happens in the crucible of your own neurological activity. Theta brings forward heightened receptivity, flashes of dreamlike imagery, inspiration, and your long-forgotten memories. Theta can bring you deep states of meditation. A sensation of "floating" and, because it is an expansive state, in Theta, you may feel your mind expand beyond the boundaries of your body. Theta rests directly on the threshold of your subconscious. In biofeedback, it is most commonly associated with the deepest levels of meditation. Theta also plays an important part in behavior modification programs and has been used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Finally, Theta is an ideal state for super-learning, re-programming your mind, dream recall, and self-hypnosis. Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary realms we can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we rise up out of the depths of delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep. In Theta, we are in a waking dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive to information beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and other extrasensory perception skills." [9]
- "In [Andreas] Lommel's discussions with the Aborigines, the men offered one reason for fewer spirit-child dreams: "Sleep must not be too heavy." The dreamer must remain alert and sensitive, even as the body rests. When a man dreams like that, the spirit-child's name enters his heart; then, it "goes into his head" and the man becomes "fully conscious" of it. In essence, the Aborigines attributed proper dreams to a duality of consciousness event, an alert mind and resting body -- comparable to conscious dreams as defined by yogis who pursue a meditative life-style. The Aborigines began to accumulate modern stress once they left the tranquil, silent life of the bush where they had practiced sacred ceremonies and had time to contemplate and meditate." [10]
- See also:
- Oneirophrenia ("a hallucinatory, dream-like, state caused by several conditions such as prolonged sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, or drugs")
- Oneirogen ("that which produces a dream-like state of consciousness.)
- Oneiromancy
- Hypnagogia
- Hypnopompic
- Zen
- "Meeting in the Dream World: Oneironauticum"
- Senoi ("a Malaysian hunting and gathering people who were reported to make extensive use of lucid dreaming to ensure happiness and mental health.")
- Oneirophrenia ("a hallucinatory, dream-like, state caused by several conditions such as prolonged sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, or drugs")
Theta-alpha state
(todo: research differences between 'expansive' and 'contractive' trances in slower awareness states.)
- Sensory deprivation ("the deliberate reduction or removal of stimuli from one or more of the senses.")
- See also: Isolation tank
Alpha state
- "Internally focused and self-reflective state such as daydreaming, relaxing walk, cleaning or light meditation while the conscious mind begins to relax and does not require full attention; insightful observations can be discovered at this level as the attention is in a state of open focus." [12]
- Alpha: Relaxation to deep meditation 8-13 Hz.
- "Alpha waves are electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz." [13]
- Daydream (unfocused trance, slow flow)
- Hypnosis
- See also: False media: Hypnosis
- "Hypnosis is an inferred psycho-physiological state characterised by increased suggestibility, and is thought to be an altered state of consciousness. Hypnotism is the study and use of suggestion with or without the presence of hypnosis, while hypnotherapy is a form of therapy in which the use of hypnotism constitutes the core of the treatment." ... "All hypnotic states are characterised by a tremendously pleasant state of relaxation, which individuals allow themselves to enter so that desired, beneficial suggestions may be given directly to the part of the mind known as the subconscious. Under hypnosis, the conscious, rational part of the brain is temporarily bypassed, making the subconscious part, which influences mental and physical functions, receptive to therapy. During the trance state there is heightened concentration for the specific purpose of maximising potential, changing limiting beliefs and behaviours and gaining insight and wisdom. Although hypnosis may be light, medium or deep, a medium trance is usually used during which metabolism, breathing and heartbeat slow and the brain produces alpha waves. Normal states of consciousness i.e. sleeping, dreaming, being awake, can be detected in the wave patterns produced by the brain. The state of hypnosis differs from all three. The brain waves associated with quiet, receptive states are called alpha waves. In alpha states, the body gradually relaxes. Hypnosis, meditation, day dreaming, being absorbed in a book or music or television, driving and arriving at your destination without recalling all the usual landmarks etc. are good examples of alpha states." [14]
- "Whereas herbal remedies were developed and used in China, Japan, the Americas, and other parts of the world, hypnotism and chemical medications originated with the Hindus, Egyptians, and Babylonians. Hypnotism as therapy seems to have originated among the Hindus, who often took their sick to the temples to be cured by hypnotic suggestion or 'temple-sleep,' as in Egypt and Greece." - from "Hypnotism within the Adventist church"
- See also:
- Hypnosis
Beta state
- Beta: Mental concentration 13-40 Hz.
- "The state most related to the conscious mind in the normal waking state where our focus is directed away from our inner self; associated with direct linear thinking and wide awake mental activity, high levels of focused concentration; continual existence in this state creates anxiety and stress." [16]
- "Beta wave is the term used to designate the frequency range of brain activity between 12 and 30 Hz. Beta states are the states associated with normal waking consciousness. Low amplitude beta waves with multiple and varying frequencies are often associated with active, busy, or anxious thinking and active concentration." ... "Beta waves are also split into three sections: High Beta Waves (19Hz+); Beta Waves (15-18Hz); and Low Beta Waves (12-15Hz)." [17]
- "Channel normal" (for many - perhaps most - people this means the consensus-trance state of awareness)
Gamma state
- Gamma state: Focused mental concentration, deep relaxation.
- "A gamma wave is a pattern of brain waves, with a frequency between 25 to 100 Hz, though 40 Hz is prototypical." [18]
- "Associated with combining information holographically for higher-levels of awareness; perception and consciousness of unity; has been call the “harmonizing” frequency allowing for unification of all different information." [19]
- "As you can see null sleep is actually Gamma Consciousness, a very high frequency consciousness that is actually tuned into Earth at the Her Core where the New Light is most concentrated. Therefore this pattern that many are experiencing has an important function in changing Cosmic Address. Yes, it can be annoying, but it is important. Since we have experienced this phenomena for several years now we can tell you with assurance that eventually you will sleep. The best advice we can give you is to not fret about it. You are relaxing in a high state of concentrated brain focus. There is physical benefit to this as well as spiritual benefit. Increasing the frequency of consciousness relies directly on attuning to the earth’s inner core. awakening and enlightenment occurs through interfacing and mirroring the frequency distributed through the earth’s core and attuning to the empty spaces throughout creation. Schumann Resonance 7.8 cycles per second is now being reported to be as high as 11 cycles per second in some parts of world. This is slowing earth’s rotation and decreasing the EM fields. This is causing an overall increase in time. Within five to seven years 24 hour day will be approximately 18 hours." [20]
- "These Gamma brainwaves resonate around 40 Hz and are associated with the brain function which holographically synthesizes all the bits of individual data from various areas of the brain and fuses them all together in a higher perspective." ... "It is thought the Gamma is the harmonizing frequency - for example when you are observing an object, its colour, size, texture etc are all perceived and processed by different parts of the brain, it is thought that Gamma allows for unification of all the different information." ... "This brainwave activity is associated with states of self awareness, higher levels of insight and information, psychic abilities and out of body experiences." ... "EEG researchers are noticing extremely high brainwave frequencies above Gamma, at up to 100 Hz. Totally opposite speed brainwave frequencies - some at 100 Hz and others at less than 0.5 Hz - have exactly the same states of consciousness associated with them. These high-range brain frequency states are named HyperGamma. Later information showed new evidence of frequencies even higher than this, at almost 200 Hz.named: Lambda brainwave frequencies and states of consciousness. These HyperGamma, Lambda and Epsilon frequencies, are linked together in a circular relationship -where if you looked with a magnifying glass at an extremely slow Epsilon brain frequency, you would see hidden within it a modulation frequency of 100 - 200 Hz. If you stand back far enough from an extremely fast 200 Hz brainwave frequency, you would see that is it riding on the crest of a slow motion modulating wave of Epsilon." ... "Gamma rhythms occur in humans and other mammals following sensory stimuli. They often occur in brief runs in these responses." [21]
- Fast flow
- Hyperfocus (focused trance examples: hunting for food, studying, art/music/sports/presenting performance)
- Holotropic breathwork (what is the intensity potential by itself of this technique? "con-spirare" - "breathing together")
Hyper-gamma state
- Higher consciousness
- Psychedelic experience (unfocused, high-intensity trance) (see also: Entheogens)
- Spiritual experience (mystical, high-intensity trance)
- Out-of-body experience
- "The states of consciousness that appear to be associated with HyperGamma brainwave activity (at 100 Hz) and Lambda brainwave activity (at 200 Hz) seem to be described in exactly the same terms as we have been describing our discovery of Epsilon (below 0.5 Hz) over the years. It has seemed extraordinary that different groups of EEG researchers, independent of one another, should find the same states of consciousness associated with such divergent brainwave activity - below 0.5 Hz Delta to above 100 Hz HyperGamma to 200 Hz Lambda. There seems to be a circular link between these two extremes of brainwave activity and the states of consciousness which they represent. They appear to be associated with the type of extraordinary states of consciousness we find in the highest states of meditation, deepest levels of insight, personal original creative problem solving and high degrees of Self-awareness. We have surmised that these extremely slow Epsilon brainwave patterns might have extremely fast HyperGamma/Lambda brainwave patterns modulating within them - just as the Hyper-Gamma/Lambda brainwave patterns are "riding" on a super slow Epsilon modulation." - from "Epsilon, Gamma, HyperGamma, Lambda Brainwave Activity and Ecstatic States of Consciousness"
Lambda state
Neuro-linguistic programming
- Neuro-linguistic programming
- Overview
- Meaning of "Neuro"
- Modeling
- B.A.G.E.L. Model
- NLP Models
- Background and Applications
- NLP "Therapy"
- False claims to science
- Questionable applications
- Foundational assumptions
- Brain lateralization
- Fundamentals
- Eye accessing cues, body cues, and representational systems
- New Age
- Background
- Scientific analysis
- Pseudoscience
- Cult characteristics
- Theory
- Common patterns/rituals
- Presuppositional beliefs
- Meta model and Milton model
- Alternate brands
- Applications
- Criticism
- Ethical concerns
- See also