911:Joris Demmink scandal
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The Netherlands faces the most criminal of paedophilic gangs and a total breakdown of law and order. Elite of Dutch politicians and Dutch law-enforcement involved. Government blackmailed for years and years. Biggest media-cover up in the history of Dutch press.
Outline of Dutch Joris Demmink-case for the international media.
Facts about the Dutch Dutroux-case and the blackmailing of government:
- In the summer of 1996 Marc Dutroux was arrested in Belgium. In the ensuing process, which resulted in his conviction in 2004, many indications and documents pointed at the involvement of Dutch politicians and other important people in the abuse of children for sexual purposes. These leads however were never followed.
- In 1998 the Dutch prosecutors in Amsterdam were working on the so called ‘Rolodex case’ in which a bunch of very high-ranking people were suspected of being member of a gang of abusers of children. Among those people were a former minister of the cabinet, the personal counsel of queen Beatrix and two leading criminal prosecutors. The police was already preparing to make arrests and search houses, when the whole operation was killed. It later emerged in the so called ‘Runderkamp-papers’ (named after Lex Runderkamp, a leading journalist from the NOS, the Dutch main news-medium, who worked on the case) that a very high official in the Ministry of Justice in the Hague, mr. Joris Demmink, played a strange role in the affair: he was suspected of being a member of the gang but also leaked information from the prosecution to the suspects. Police officers and also mr. Runderkamp thought that this role of Demmink was behind the decision to cancel the ‘Rolodex-operation’ as suspects were warned and had the chance to destroy evidence.
- In april 1998 Dutch television-documentary Netwerk broadcasted two items about a bunch of criminals smuggling young children to the Netherlands from Eastern Europe for sexual purposes. Netwerk laid hands on telephone-taps from the Rolodex-case; in these taps we hear a very high ranking official from the Ministry of Justice named ‘Joris’ ‘ordering’ some children for the weekend. The official identity of this ‘Joris’ has never been officially clarified, although now it is a ‘public secret’ that it is Joris Demmink.
- In November 2002 mr. Joris Demmink is appointed as the highest official on legal matters in the Netherlands. As his appointment lay on the table, there were 40 warnings and indications of his criminal sexual behavior. They were all laid aside.
- In October 2003 two Dutch magazines published long and detailed stories about mr. Joris Demmink abusing under-aged prostitutes in a public park in the south of the country (city of Eindhoven). It was published that he used his state-paid limousine to abuse young children on the back bench. The cabinet reacted vehemently by saying it were all lies. One week later however, one of the abused children in the park indicts mr. Demmink for criminal offense. Two days later it is made known by the cabinet that the indiction was ‘false’. Demmink in the meantime confesses to two journalists that he has had sex with under-aged children . This is later reported by the NOS evening journal on television. But than the lawyers for Demmink start fighting the allegation, resulting in a ‘sort of’ rectification by the NOS.
- There are rumours that the limousine driver "Mosterd" died under 'mysterious circumstances', as did physician Joyce Labruyere (who had filed a complained to the Dutch Attorney General about this case) and parliamentary-commission inquiry head of the IRT-scandal Maarten van Traa (who - it is claimed - discovered links between that national scandal and the Dutch pedophile network)
- In april 2007 the whole affair gets an international dimension as a lawyer for an important Turkish-Kurdish businessman Hüseyin Baybaşin (see also: [1], [2]), and politician again indicts mr. Demmink for sexual abuse of children. This lawyer has the most shocking of stories, all very well documented with tapes, video’s and Turkish police-reports. The basis of this new allegation is that the Turkish government has blackmailed the Dutch government by threatening to ask for the eviction of mr. Demmink to Turkey for sexual crimes committed in Turkey if the Dutch did not put the Kurdish businessman in jale for life. The Turkish government wanted to get rid of this businessman because he had evidence that the Turkish government at that time (under Tansu Ciller) was heavily involved in exporting of drugs and was spreading this evidence around the world. The Dutch government succumbs to the Turks, mainly because the Turks have photographs of Demmink abusing children in Turkey, and organize a complete ‘fake-process’ to get the Kurdish businessman convicted. In this process they used specially fabricated and manipulated telephone-taps. That these taps were fake has been proven by more than ten specialists from the Netherlands and the USA.
- In 2008 there are many more indications that the whole legal system in the Netherlands is corrupted by blackmail as many big criminals can walk free for the most bizarre of reasons. Again the Rolodex-case comes to the forefront: the indications of blackmail focus around cases handled by prosecutors who were also member of the abusive gang. Another indication for blackmail are the 20 or so cases in which highly classified files were ‘lost’ or ‘stolen’ from high-ranking officials. These files mostly contained information about high-profile criminal investigations.
- In the summer of 2008 the Dutch government denies any indication of criminal offense by mr. Demmink or by other high-ranking officials. Demmink is still in function in the Ministry of Justice. The lawyer for the Kurdish businessman now has appealed against a court-ruling not to prosecute mr. Demmink. The higher court is due to rule in September about this appeal. This is the last chance of mr. Demmink being brought to justice.
The last medium in the Netherlands researching this case has stopped working on it in 2007. At this moment, the media keep quiet or are protecting mr. Demmink by writing that he is a ‘victim of a slandering-operation by criminal gangs’ without elaborating any further. I have written many stories about this case on the internet and want it to come out in the international media as I have not the slightest doubt on the extreme seriousness of the situation in my country.
This is a ‘master-link’ summarizing the basic facts. Underneath this link are many more links solidifying the evidence.
- Joris Demmink scandal: Facts overview (most is in Dutch however)
- More articles from researcher Micha Kat: klokkenluideronline.nl/artikel/author/micha-kat/
- Video:
- Joris Demmink UN.jpg
Joris Demmink speaking at the United Nations
- See also:
- historic_member_list_NL_justice.pdf
- Job de Ruiter (Minister of Justice between 1977-1982. Claims and suspicions: [3])
- Joost Tonino (former Dutch prosecutor - who resigned after public claims of large amounts of child-pornography on his dumped-by-the-road computer)
- Fred Teeven (former Dutch prosecutor)
- Catholic church relation in function: "Eijk (54) maakte dat zaterdag duidelijk bij zijn installatie als aartsbisschop van Utrecht. Hij volgt kardinaal Simonis op, die vorige maand afscheid nam. Eijk, die zowel arts als theoloog is, bestuurde sinds 1999 het bisdom Groningen, dat sinds enkele jaren Groningen-Leeuwarden heet. Hij geldt als een krachtig bestuurder die de ethische leer van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk trouw volgt. Bij de inbezitneming van de zetel van het aartsbisdom waren alle Nederlandse bisschoppen aanwezig. Ook de inmiddels negentigjarige oud-bisschop van Breda, mgr. Ernst, was naar de St. Catharinakathedraal in Utrecht gekomen. Namens de regering waren minister Donner (Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid) en secretaris-generaal Joris Demmink van het ministerie van Justitie aanwezig. Ook burgemeester Aleid Wolfsen en commissaris van de koningin in Utrecht, Roel Robbertsen, woonden de eucharistieviering bij. Dat gold ook voor de oud-katholieke aartsbisschop van Utrecht, Joris Vercammen, en de voorzitter van de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland, ds. Gerrit de Fijter." [4]
- historic_member_list_NL_justice.pdf
- Other sources:
- nwo-info.nl: "Demmink" articles
- Leugens.nl: "Demmink" articles
- onderzoekjorisd.hyves.nl (dutch social network forum on the Joris Demmink case)
- stelling.nl/kleintje/ ("Kleintje Muurkrant")
- ernestlouwes.web-log.nl
- huseyinbaybasin.com
- ravagedigitaal.org article
- BBC: The rise and fall of a drugs empire (likely a disinfo article)