911:Occult etymology
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- Etymology: "The study of the history of words — when they entered a language, from what source, and how their form and meaning have changed over time."
- Occult symbolism
- Geometry
- Numerology
- New Age Terminology
- etymonline.com
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- List of Greek words with English derivatives
- Greek and Latin roots in English
The Old/New Testament Greek lexicon is based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary and is keyed to the 'Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.' RealAudio pronunciations of each word, with alternates, are available.
The Old Testament Hebrew lexicon is derived from the Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon and is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament." RealAudio pronunciations of each word, with alternates, are included.
(ordered in alphabetical order)
- 1540s, from L. basilica "building of a court of justice," and, by extension, church built on the plan of one, from Gk. (stoa) basilike "royal (portal)," the portico of the archon basileus, the official who dispensed justice in Athens, from basileus "king" (see Basil). In Rome, applied specifically to the seven principal churches founded by Constantine.
- Basilisk:
- In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk (English pronunciation: /ˈbæzɪlɪsk/[1], from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, "little king"; Latin Regulus) is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. (wikipedia)
- c.1300, from L. basiliscus, from Gk. basiliskos "little king," dim. of "basileus;" said to have been so called because of a crest or spot on its head resembling a crown. "The basilisk has since the fourteenth century been confused with the Cockatrice:, and the subject is now a complicated one." [T.H.White]. Its breath and glance were said to be fatal. The South American lizard so called (1813) because it, like the mythical beast, has a crest. Also used of a large cannon, throwing shot of 200 lb., in 1549.
- In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk (English pronunciation: /ˈbæzɪlɪsk/[1], from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, "little king"; Latin Regulus) is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. (wikipedia)
- Baci - Elder, Wise Man, Shepherd ( priests are called so ) (todo; relationship with Bacchus)
- Basileo - egyptian goddess Bast ( Bastet) ( felina ) + Leo ( Leu ), cat goddess of the rising sun , knowing that Leo ( august ) was the atribute of the mid summer SUN. We found Bast in Beast, Bestie (romanian), but the hieroglyph used to render her name is the Bas ( Vas in romanian) - a perfume jar with the feminine ending of T ( a semicircle ) [4]
- (In romanian) Biserica - Basi leukos - a Kind of Holy Grail, metaphorically speaking , shortly Place of enlightment. Considering the mystery religions, than we could conclude that Basi was just that - Beci , Basement, some underground place where the nitiations towards enlightment were taking place. See Mythraism in ancient world. [5]
- light (n.): "brightness," O.E. leht, earlier leoht, from W.Gmc. *leukhtam (cf. O.Fris. liacht, M.Du. lucht, Ger. Licht), from PIE *leuk- "light, brightness" (cf. Skt. ROCATE "shines;" Arm. lois "light," lusin "moon;" Gk. leukos "bright, shining, white;" L. lucere "to shine," lux "light," lucidus "clear;" O.C.S. luci "light;" Lith. laukas "pale;" Welsh llug "gleam, glimmer;" O.Ir. loche "lightning," luchair "brightness;" Hittite lukezi "is bright"). The -gh- was an Anglo-Fr. scribal attempt to render the O.E. hard -h- sound, which has since disappeared. The fig. spiritual sense was in O.E.; the sense of "mental illumination" is first recorded c.1449. Meaning "something used for igniting" is from 1684.
- This word seems to have major significance in the United States:
Logo for Columbia Tristar Pictures.
Note: She is basically the ancient Greek 'liberty' goddess Columbia, is standing on step pyramid, and is holding a torch as the "light bearer" (aka Lucifer).District of Columbia flag.
Note: 3 stars = Tristar. The 3 stars represent the 3 main masonic city-states of the world.
Note: that there may also be a macrocosmic ("as above, so below") relation to 'belt' of Orion constellation with its 3 bright stars in a row.(see previous)
TriStar Pictures ("3 stars")The White House is in the city-state District of Columbia.
Statue of liberty - Greek goddess Columbia.
Note: Some people have speculated that when the French designed the Statue of Liberty, they were influenced by the classical designs of the Roman goddess Libertas, who holds a liberty cap and a torch, and wears Mithras-Sol's radiant crown of seven rays. [1] Sun symbol representing Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun").Columbia University in NYC
- early 13c., from O.Fr. dragon, from L. draconem (nom. draco) "huge serpent, dragon," from Gk. drakon (gen. drakontos) "serpent, giant seafish," apparently from drak-, strong aorist stem of derkesthai "to see clearly," from PIE *derk- "to see." Perhaps the lit. sense is "the one with the (deadly) glance." The young are dragonets (14c.). Obsolete drake "dragon" is an older borrowing of the same word. Used in the Bible to translate Heb. tannin "a great sea-monster," and tan, a desert mammal now believed to be the jackal.
- See also: Serpent Symbolism
- (Roman) "Fasces" - "bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting" (pl. of fascis "bundle" of wood, etc.), carried before a lictor, a superior Roman magistrate, as a symbol of power over life and limb: the sticks symbolized punishment by whipping, the axe head execution by beheading. Probably cognate with M.Ir. basc "neckband," Welsh baich "load, burden," O.E. bæst "inner bark of the linden tree."
- (19th century, Italy) "Fasci" - "groups of men organized for 'national-socialist' political purposes"
- See also: Occult symbolism: Fasces
- Grammar late 12c., gramarye, from O.Fr. grammaire "learning," especially Latin and philology, from L. grammatica, from Gk. grammatike tekhne "art of letters," with a sense of both philology and literature in the broadest sense, from gramma "letter," from stem of graphein "to draw or write" (see -graphy). Restriction to "rules of language" is a post-classical development, but as this type of study was until 16c. limited to Latin, M.E. gramarye also came to mean "learning in general, knowledge peculiar to the learned classes" (early 14c.), which included astrology and magic; hence the secondary meaning of "occult knowledge" (late 15c.), which evolved in Scottish into glamor (q.v.). A grammar school (late 14c.) was originally "a school in which the learned languages are grammatically taught" [Johnson, who also has grammaticaster "a mean verbal pedant"]. In U.S. (1860) the term was put to use in the graded system for "a school between primary and secondary, where English grammar is taught." [7]
- see also:
- glamor: also glamour, 1720, "magic, enchantment" (especially in phrase to cast the glamor), a variant of Scot. gramarye "magic, enchantment, spell," alteration of English grammar (q.v.) with a medieval sense of "any sort of scholarship, especially occult learning." Popularized by the writings of Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832). Sense of "magical beauty, alluring charm" first recorded 1840.
- Occult books: Grimoire
- See also: Masonic Judaism
- c.1250, "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering", from Gk. holokauston, neut. of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)) + kaustos, verbal adj. of kaiein "to burn." Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," given wider sense of "massacre, destruction of a large number of persons" from 1833. The Holocaust "Nazi genocide of European Jews in World War II," first recorded 1957, earlier known in Heb. as Shoah "catastrophe." The word itself was used in Eng. in ref. to Hitler's Jewish policies from 1942, but not as a proper name for them. [8]
- Why in mainstream culture do we accept the Jewish genocide as "The Holocaust", when the word means a burnt offering? Was a burnt offering necessary to build the new (masonic controlled) state of Israel?
- 1580s, "a middle ground, quality, or degree," from L. medium, from neut. of adj. medius (see medial). Meaning "intermediate agency, channel of communication" is from c.1600. That of "person who conveys spiritual messages" first recorded 1853 (A person thought to have the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension. Also called psychic.)
- Inhabitant of ancient Media, late 14c., from L. Medus, from Gk. Medos.
- "newspapers, radio, TV, etc." 1927, perhaps abstracted from mass media (1923, a technical term in advertising), pl. of medium, on notion of "intermediate agency," a sense first found c.1600.
- todo: Link between media from "magis" of Medes/Media in Persia, fire worshipers [9], and magic (thus the spell that hollywood cast) [10][11]
- See also:
- To research: "Mer" (light), "Ka" (spirit), "Ba" (body) [12]
- In the Bible there is reference to Ezekiel and the wheels by which Ezekiel ascended into heaven. This was the Mer-ka-Ba. In the Torah, there is reference to the Merkavah (as it is spelled in Hebrew) which has two different meanings: One meaning is chariot, which is a vehicle; the other is the Throne of God. When the two definitions are combined, the true meaning comes to life. In Ancient Egypt, this primal pattern was called the Mer-Ka-Ba. It was actually three words, not one. Mer meant a kind of light that rotated within itself. Ka meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit. And Ba meant the human body — though it also could mean the concept of Reality that spirit holds. And so the entire word in ancient Egypt referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another." (...) "What actually is the Mer-Ka-Ba? Technically, it is an electro-magnetic field sitting at about four degrees Kelvin, found primarily within the microwave range — at least in the third dimension — that is entirely geometric in nature. Specifically, the geometry used is called Sacred Geometry, as this particular geometry is found in the creation patterns of all things in Creation. The Mer-Ka-Ba field is extremely complex, involving the five Platonic solids and other sacred polyhedrons. It is believed to extend through all possible dimensional and parallel universes, and can possibly change its nature from electro-magnetic to whatever is appropriate. The blueprint of the Mer-Ka-Ba is found throughout nature" [13]
- "The Hebrew word "Merkabah" (מרכבה "chariot", derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with general meaning "to ride") is used in Ezekiel (1:4-26) to refer to the throne-chariot of God, the four-wheeled vehicle driven by four "chayot" (Hebrew: "living creatures"), each of which has four wings and the four faces of a man, lion, ox, and eagle." [14]
- To research: "Kaaba" - "1734 (Caaba), cube-shaped building in the Great Mosque of Mecca, containing the Black Stone, from Arabic ka'bah "square house," from ka'b "cube"." [15]
late 14c., protectors of the arts, from L. Musa, from Gk. Mousa, lit. "muse, music, song," from PIE root *mon-/*men-/*mn- "to think, remember" (see mind (n.)). The names of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (q.v.), and their specialties are traditionally: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (love poetry, lyric art), Euterpe (music, especially flute), Melpomene (tragedy), Polymnia (hymns), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), Urania (astronomy).
Also see:
- Museum: 1610s, "the university building in Alexandria," from L. museum "library, study," from Gk. mouseion "place of study, library or museum," (Latinised from mouseion—a place where the muses were worshipped) originally "a seat or shrine of the Muses," from Mousa "Muse." Earliest use in ref. to Eng. institutions was of libraries (e.g. the British Museum); sense of "building to display objects" first recorded 1680s. [16]
- Amuse: late 15c., from M.Fr. amuser "divert, cause to muse," from a "at, to" (but here probably a causal prefix) + muser "ponder, stare fixedly." Sense of "divert from serious business, tickle the fancy of" is recorded from 1630s, but through 18c. the primary meaning was "deceive, cheat" by first occupying the attention. Bemuse retains more of the original meaning.
- Music: mid-13c., from O.Fr. musique (12c.), from L. musica, from Gk. mousike techne "art of the Muses," from fem. of mousikos "pertaining to the Muses," from Mousa "Muse." In classical Greece, any art in which the Muses presided, but especially music. The use of letters to denote music notes is probably at least from ancient Greece, as their numbering system was ill-suited to the job. Natural scales begin at C (not A) because in ancient times the minor mode was more often used than the major one. The natural minor scale begins at A. To face the music "accept the consequences" is from 1850; the exact image is uncertain, one theory ties it to stage performers, another to cavalry horses having to be taught to stay calm while the regimental band plays. To make (beautiful) music with someone "have sexual intercourse" is from 1967. Musicology "the study of the science of music" is from 1909.
- Early 14c., in a theological sense, "religious truth via divine revelation, mystical presence of God," from Anglo-Fr. *misterie (O.Fr. mistère), from L. mysterium, from Gk. mysterion (usually in pl. mysteria) "secret rite or doctrine," from mystes "one who has been initiated," from myein "to close, shut," perhaps referring to the lips (in secrecy) or to the eyes (only initiates were allowed to see the sacred rites). The Gk. word was used in Septuagint for "secret counsel of God," translated in Vulgate as sacramentum. Non-theological use in English, "a hidden or secret thing," is from c.1300. In reference to the ancient rites of Greece, Egypt, etc. it is attested from 1640s. Meaning "detective story" first recorded in English 1908.
- "Handicraft, trade, art," late 14c., from M.L. misterium, alt. of L. ministerium "service, occupation, office, ministry" (see ministry), influenced in form by M.L. mysterium (see mystery (1)) and in sense by maistrie "mastery." Now only in mystery play, in ref. to the medieval performances, which often were staged by members of craft guilds. The two senses of mystery formed a common pun in (secular) Tudor theater.
Also see:
- master and Masonic "Grandmaster" > Initiate in the Mysteries?
- todo origin greek; musterion
- Noel -> No-EL ("no god")
- see also: EL (disambiguation)
- See article "The Truth about Santa Claus" & [17]
- see also: Elilim
- todo: elaborate "EL", shape of the letter "L" -> chess horse movement
- "Noel is a masculine French given name derived from noël (Christmas). The actual feminine form is Noelle, but in English-speaking regions Noel is sometimes used for girls as well. It is derived from the Latin (dies) natalis, referring to the Nativity of Christ, the original French spelling being Noël and Noëlle." [18]
- "c.1390, from M.E. nowel, from O.Fr. noel "the Christmas season," var. of nael, from L. natalis (dies) "birth (day)," in Eccles. L. in reference to the birthday of Christ, from natus, pp. of nasci "be born."" [19]
Pope Benedict XVI wearing a Camauro, a red velvet hat with white ermine trim used by popes at the 12th century [2]
Typical representation of "Père Noël" (Santa Claus), extremely alike the pope!
- "1533, secret, not divulged," from L. occultus "hidden, concealed, secret," pp. of occulere "cover over, conceal," from ob "over" + a verb related to celare "to hide," from PIE base *kel- (see cell). Meaning "not apprehended by the mind, beyond the range of understanding" is from 1545.
- Occultation
- Pharaoh: the official title borne by the Egyptian kings down to the time when that country was conquered by the Greeks. The name is a compound, as some think, of the words Ra, the "sun" or "sun-god," and the article phe, "the," prefixed; hence phera, "the sun," or "the sun-god." But others, perhaps more correctly, think the name derived from Perao, "the great house" = his majesty = in Turkish, "the Sublime Porte." [20]
- the use or the administering of drugs
- poisoning
- sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
- metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
- Member of the supreme college of priests in ancient Rome, 1579, from L. pontifex, probably from pont-, stem of pons "bridge" + -fex, -ficis, root of facere "make." If so, the word originally meant "bridge-maker," or "path-maker." Weekley points out that, "bridge-building has always been regarded as a pious work of divine inspiration." Or the term may be metaphoric of bridging the earthly world and the realm of the gods. Other suggestions trace it to Oscan-Umbrian puntis "propitiary offering," or to a lost Etruscan word, in either case altered by folk-etymology to resemble the L. for "bridge-maker." [21]
Santa Maria
- In Latin: mare ("sea"), maria ("seas") -> "Santa Maria" ("Holy Seas", which is very similar to: Holy See (the Vatican City organization). Perhaps the catholic "Mother Maria/Mary" meme is in part a later encoding of the "Holy Seas" meme, together with the Mother goddess memes in ancient cultures.
- To check: "Mary", in Aramaic, is a masculine noun meaning "Lord". [22]
- [c.1434, "creed, summary, religious belief," from L.L. symbolum "creed, token, mark," from Gk. symbolon "token, watchword" (applied c.250 by Cyprian of Carthage to the Apostles' Creed, on the notion of the "mark" that distinguishes Christians from pagans), from syn- "together" + stem of ballein "to throw." The sense evolution is from "throwing things together" to "contrasting" to "comparing" to "token used in comparisons to determine if something is genuine." Hence, "outward sign" of something. The meaning "something which stands for something else" first recorded 1590 (in "Faerie Queene"). Symbolic is attested from 1680.
todo? Tyranny, from TYR, Lucifer/King of Tyr
- Vatic: From the Latin "vates" (meaning: seer, prophet, poet)
- "The word derives from the Latin vates, which means "tellers of the future." This name was the name given to a hillside on the west bank of the Tiber River in Rome because daily lineups of fortunetellers used to hawk their "wares" there to passersby on the street. In the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to Rome from Avignon (France), the present-day Vatican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of Rome that had become the seat of the Roman Catholic Church." [23]
- See also: Vaticinium ex eventu
- Vatis = diviner, can = serpent.
- Vatican = The Divining Serpent.
- "For most people "Zion" is the name for Jerusalem as well as for the nation of Israel. More specifically "Zion" is the name given to a hill of Judea on which the city of Jerusalem is built.
- Zion is the higher and southern hill, on which the city of Jerusalem was built. It included the more ancient part of the city, with the citadel and temple (Mount Moriah, on which the temple was built, being reckonned to Zion [separated by a narrow valley]) also called the city of David. [24]
- O.E. Sion, from Gk. Seon, from Heb. Tsiyon, name of a Canaanite hill fortress in Jerusalem captured by David and called in the Bible "City of David." It became the center of Jewish life and worship. [25]
- There are 153 references to Zion in the Bible
- Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David. 2 Samuel 5:7
- See also:
- Masonic Judaism ("Labor Zionism")
- O.E. monað, from P.Gmc. *mænoth- (O.N. manaðr, M.Du. manet, Du. maand, O.H.G. manod, Ger. Monat, Goth. menoþs "month"), related to *mænon- "moon" (see moon). Its cognates mean only "month" in the Romance languages, but in Gmc. generally continue to do double duty. Phrase a month of Sundays "a very long time" is from 1832 (roughly 7 and a half months, but never used literally). [26]
- "If Jupiter is the King of the Planets, then Saturn is the Queen of the Planets. Saturn, in ancient days, was known as Chronos, the keeper of Time. Chronos, was the son of Uranus and his wife, Rhea (the firmament). Chronos' wife was Gaia (the Earth). Saturn is the mother and giver of all forms, both mother and father, and posessing qualities of both sexes. The rings around Saturn were easily seen by the ancients, and limit the planet within them, as time limits our existence here on Earth. Saturn is the last planet the ancients could see with their primitive telescopes, and so we have 7 days in the week, each day named after a corresponding planet. This is most evident from the French (or Spanish) names for the days of the week, as follows:
The names of the planets and their relation to the names of the days of the week 12 Greek English Saxon Day French Spanish Latin Japanese Kronos Saturn Saturn Saturday SATURN's day Samedi Sabado Dies Saturni Do Yo Bi ("Earth Day") Helios Sun Sonne Sunday SUN day Dimanche Domingo Dies Solis Nichi Yo Bi ("Sun Day") Selene Moon Máni Monday MOON day Lundi Lunes Dies Lunis Getsu Yo Bi ("Moon Day") Ares Mars Tyr Tuesday MARS day Mardi Martes Dies Martis Ka Yo Bi ("Fire Day") Hermes Mercury Woden Wednesday WODEN's day Mercredi Miercoles Dies Mercurii Sui Yo Bi ("Water Day") Zeus Jupiter Thor Thursday THOR's day Jeudi Jueves Dies Jovis Moku Yo Bi ("Wood Day") Aphrodite Venus Freya Friday VENUS day Vendredi Viernes Dies Veneris Kin Yo Bi ("Gold/Metal Day")
In fact, the word MONTH comes from the length of time the moon takes to complete one revolution around the Earth (a MOONTH) or 28 days. There are 13 lunar months and 12 solar months in each year of our Earth." [27]
- What is the system behind the planetary day names? ([28])
- "As we saw in the previous section, the planets have given the week days their names following this order: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun. Why this particular order? One theory goes as follows: If you order the "planets" according to either their presumed distance from Earth (assuming the Earth to be the centre of the universe) or their period of revolution around the Earth, you arrive at this order: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Now, assign (in reverse order) these planets to the hours of the day:
- 1=Saturn, 2=Jupiter, 3=Mars, 4=Sun, 5=Venus, 6=Mercury, 7=Moon,
- 8=Saturn, 9=Jupiter, etc., 23=Jupiter, 24=Mars
- The next day will then continue where the old day left off:
- 1=Sun, 2=Venus, etc., 23=Venus, 24=Mercury
- And the next day will go
- 1=Moon, 2=Saturn, etc.
- If you look at the planet assigned to the first hour of each day, you will note that the planets come in this order:
- Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus.
- This is exactly the order of the associated week days.
- "As we saw in the previous section, the planets have given the week days their names following this order: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun. Why this particular order? One theory goes as follows: If you order the "planets" according to either their presumed distance from Earth (assuming the Earth to be the centre of the universe) or their period of revolution around the Earth, you arrive at this order: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Now, assign (in reverse order) these planets to the hours of the day: