911:Occult symbolism XVII

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From one blockbuster movie to another Hollywood constantly casts its ’spells’, not unlike the ancient Druid magicians who used wands made from holly wood, projecting its version of the future on a growingly desensitized and unquestioning audience (Collins 13 December 2004). This form of social manipulation, known as ‘predictive programming’, is a celebrated tradition in Hollywood with its technical wizardry and special effects that shape our perceptions of reality by creating ‘the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to look in the future’ (Collins 13 December 2004). From Independence Day (1996) and The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) to The Peacemaker (1997) and The Siege (1998) Hollywood has been pivotal in this process of ‘conditioning the masses to accept future visions that the elite wish to tangibly enact’ (Collins 6 February 2005). [11]

  • So if 9/11 synchronicities were overtly and covertly embedded into Hollywood films as part of some hidden agenda then what are they portending about future events post 9/11?

See also:


The Rituals

Todo: describe that 9/11 was a prelude of the reconstruction of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem. The destruction of tower 1 and 2 are symbolic for the 2 pillars at the entry of the temple of Solomon's and WTC 7 was called "Solomon's Brother Building".


  • The study of numbers (numerics or numerology) is pivotal to organized religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Number patterns and symbols permeate the Christian Bible, for instance, the numbers 3, 7, 12, 40, 666, 1260 and 2520 all have symbolic meaning. It wouldn’t be surprising then if certain numbers held special import to various secret societies. In fact the allusion to both permeates Hollywood films like End of Days (1999), Eyes Wide Shut (1999), The Matrix (1999), National Treasure (2004), Ocean’s 11 (2001), Thirteen Days (2000) and The Thirteenth Floor (1999) (Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon 28 January 2005).
  • So do the numbers 9 and 11 have any significance? According to the nineteenth century Anglican cleric, EW Bullinger, the number nine (9) symbolizes divine judgment or finality while the number eleven (11) symbolizes disorder, disorganization, imperfection and disintegration (Bullinger 1967 pp. 235, 242, 251). Whether these numbers have other occultic meanings to clandestine societies is unknown to the author, but knowledge continues to grow in this field (Howard 7 December 2001).
    • Comparing 9/11 to another subsequent terrorist attack shows how crucial it is that we understand these numbers and their relation to the masterminds behind these global shifting events. On March 11, 2004 191 people lost their lives in the Madrid Train Bombings. Known simply as 3/11 it was widely described in the news media as ‘Europe’s 9/11′ (Chance 11 March 2005). Not so widely known, however, was that this terrorist attack occurred 911 days after 9/11 (Shannon 12 March 2004). The recurrent numbers of 9-1-1 are all too familiar, but whose calling cards are they?
  • The numbers even have historical significance to the people of Israel. Jews annually fast on Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the 11th month on the Hebrew calendar, in commemoration of national disasters that have befallen them throughout history, including the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians in 586-587 BCE; the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 CE; the Roman defeat of the army of Simon Bar Kochba in 135 CE; the expulsion of Jews from England by King Edward I on 18 July 1290; the expulsion of Jews from Spain by King Ferdinand and Isabella on 2 August 1492; and the declaration of World War I in 1914. It begs the question what other 9/11s are yet to come?
  • Extensive compilation of 9/11 in media
  • 911 Predictive Programming in Movies
  • 911 Predictive Programming in Cartoons

  • 911 Predictive Programming in comics

  • 911 Predictive Programming in Advertising



Sandy Hook

For the conspiracy theorists out there, a tie in with the Sandy Hook shooting has been found in the movie Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. In addition to references to ‘Aurora’ within the movie, which was the city in which James Holmes opened fire on a theater full of people on the night of the Batman movie opening, it appears that a map coincidentally identifying “Sandy Hook” as a target of criminals in the movie loosely foretells of an event to unfold at that location. Curiously, the map contains no other legible references save the “Sandy Hook” identifier, which is specifically pointed out in one of the movie’s scenes. “Get a GPS on it so we can start to figure out how to bring it down…”

ToDo: batman connection with Sandy Cook elementary massacre [13] - (vimeo video) - James holt father, all other massacres Virginia Tech, Columbine, siqh church, etc + MK Ultra links

to check diclose.tv [14] & video: [15] To check [16]

  • Aurora Massacre linked to Batman-Sandy Hook [20]
    • Questionable symbolism a week before the aurora massacre occurred. Coincidence? From his (LIL WAYNE) music video 'My Homies Still' [21]

Paris Nov 13 Attacks

Video: Exercises and drills conducted the same day as the attacks

Video: Occult mysteries of the Paris Attack

Video: Paris Attack Matrix

Symbolism in Movies

Recurring Themes:



Symbolism in Music Videos

Symbolism in Live Events

2012 Olympics

Describe the occult rituals on Live events

Mtv Events

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