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Central banking

"The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express" - AC


Taxation instruments

  • Value Added Tax (VAT) - product & service tax
  • Income tax - the state tax
    • which goes only to paying (the Federal Reserve) for interest on the national debt (which was largely created by the Federal Reserve in the first place)
  • Interest - the bankers tax
  • Inflation (Hyperinflation) - the silent tax
    • environmental destruction -> natural resource price increase -> product price increase -> reduction in buying power -> general price increase -> inflation
    • excessive money printing (Quantitative easing & Fiat currency), without a corresponding gold/silver/... constraint -> intrinsic money value reduction -> general price increase -> inflation

See also:

Tax Evasion

  • Tax avoidance and tax evasion
  • Notional Interest Deduction
    • What is Notional Interest Deduction?
      • The notional interest deduction allows companies and organizations to reduce their taxable base when making investments from their own resources. It is the deductible amount that equals the fictitious interest cost on the adjusted equity capital.

Internal Revenue Service

Tax protester history in the United State

  • Sherry Peel Jackson videos
    • Ex IRS agent tells it like it is: youtube videos Part I & Part II
      • Sherry Peel Jackson is an ex-IRS agent who left when she discovered that there is not law requiring American citizens to pay incom Sherry Peel Jackson is an ex-IRS agent who left when she discovered that there is not law requiring American citizens to pay income tax. Since than she has gone public on this issue and has been fighting two of America's greatest crime syndicates, the IRS and the Federal Reserve. Sherry Jackson is a true American hero.

The cost of living

todo: Price control by product/service kartels: oil, water, transport, construction, telecom, etc.

See also

  • taxpayer.net ("a non-partisan US government budget watchdog")
  • "Death and Taxes" is a large representational graph and poster of the federal budget. It contains over 500 programs and departments and almost every program that receives over 200 million dollars annually.